研究方向: 主要以水稻、拟南芥等为研究对象,结合生物信息学、遗传学和分子生物学,研究植物受体激酶介导的生长发育和环境响应调控。
已进行多项植物蛋白激酶功能和信号途径研究,已以第一作者或者共同第一作者在Current Biology和PNAS等期刊发表学术论文十余篇:揭示细胞壁连接受体激酶WAK10参与水稻株高调控的机制 (Cai et al. 2023, Curr Biol);阐明富亮氨酸受体激酶ASLRK参与水稻脱落酸和干旱响应 (Du et al. 2022, Environ Exp Bot);发现雷帕霉素靶激酶TOR在拟南芥的光形态建成中在根和茎中不同地响应光和糖信号控制分生组织活性的机理 (Li et al. 2017, PNAS);证明小G蛋白ROP2介导光对雷帕霉素靶激酶TOR的激活和此调控通路在光形态建成中的作用 (Cai et al. 2017, Plant Signal Behav);
1. 水稻温敏育性相关TMS10受体激酶下游通路研究,61批博士后基金面上项目,5万元,主持,2017M621451
1. Cai W, Hong J, Liu Z, Wang W, Zhang J, An G, Liang W, Persson S, and Zhang D (2023). A receptor-like kinase controls the amplitude of secondary cell wall synthesis in rice. Curr Biol. 33(3):498-506.
2. Li X#, Cai W#, Liu Y#, Li H, Fu L, Liu Z, Xu L, Liu H, Xu T, Xiong Y (2017) Differential TOR activation and cell proliferation in Arabidopsis root and shoot apexes. PNAS, 114(10):2765-2770
3. Cai W, and Zhang D (2018). The role of receptor-like kinases in regulating plant male reproduction. Plant Reprod 31(1): 77-87
4. Cai W, Li X, Liu Y, Wang Y, Zhou Y, Xu T and Xiong Y (2017). COP1 integrates light signals to ROP2 for cell cycle activation. Plant Signal Behav 12(9): e1363946
5. Du C#, Cai W#, Lin F, Wang K, Li S, Chen C, Tian H, Wang D, and Zhao Q (2022). Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase OsASLRK regulates abscisic acid and drought responses via cooperation with S-like RNase OsRNS4 in rice. Environ Exp Bot 201
6. Liu Z, Osterlund I, Ruhnow F, Cao Y, Huang G, Cai W, Zhang J, Liang W, Nikoloski Z, Persson S, Zhang D (2022). Fluorescent cytoskeletal markers reveal associations between the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton in rice cells. Development 149.
7. Xu Y, Cai W, Chen X, Chen M, and Liang W (2022). A small Rho GTPase OsRacB is required for pollen germination in rice. Dev Growth Differ 64, 88-97.
8. Sun S, Wang D, Li J, Lei Y, Li G, Cai W, Zhao X, Liang W, and Zhang D (2021). Transcriptome analysis reveals photoperiod-associated genes expressed in rice anthers. Front Plant Sci 12, 621561.
9. Cao Y, Cai W, Chen X, Chen M, Chu J, Liang W, Persson S, Liu Z, and Zhang D (2020). Bright fluorescent vacuolar marker lines allow vacuolar tracing across multiple tissues and stress conditions in rice. Int J Mol Sci 21.